Kris Kringle

Christmas doesn't stress me out, my family doesn't do a big Christmas because we support each other and buy each other gifts throughout the year.

But one of my favourite things is being creative in any way I can...and I think my idea for my Kris Kringle this year was a good one. She is a girl I don't really know at work and so I thought why not be a bit silly. Our limit is $10 which wont get you much anyway so I decided to get ten items for a dollar each. This is what I came up with.
Xmas Bag to be recycled
2 candles
Xmas gift cards
A tin of tuna (hope she has a sense of humour)
Packet of heart stickers
Packet of Oreos
Tissues - in what looks like a take away coffee cup
and a baby bottle of conditioner

I hope she sees the humour in it, this is what Kris Kringles are all about.

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