PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

A Perfect Wake up Call

Possibly the earliest blip I've done since moving to Perth. But I don't think I can top this one today! About 50 Carnaby's White-Tailed Black Cockatoo's were screeching around my house at 6am this morning. I was so tired it took me a full five minutes to register the eee-aarr sound with one of my favourite birds. This is the first time I've seen them in Metro Perth since moving here. Apparently they come into the city much later but this year is a really early season. So we'll be starting to gear up at the hospital for car strikes soon I think. In the mean time I'm glad I got my butt out of bed in time to see some of them! They all flew past and landed probably only about 300 metres as the crow flies - but too far for me to high tail it down one of Perth's busiest highways in my pj's!

Jengo was so vocal that I decided to take him out for a walk around the garden and took my camera with me - good thing I did as another small flock flew over about 5 mins later. I had Jengo pulling on one hand and managed to get one shot off with the other before they were gone!

Tomorrow I'm heading to Kaarakin's Black Cockatoo Rehabilitation Centre open day to have a look at their facilities and interact with some of their education birds. We send all a lot of our black cockatoo's to Kaarakin once they are over the intensive care stage with the eventual aim of release :)

Have a great weekend everybody!

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