
By M9


...and we shall have snow, and what will poor robin do then, poor thing? He’ll sit in the barn and keep himself warm and hide his head under his wing, poor thing. (Good ol’ Mother Goose!)

Brrr – it was so cold today! Even though it was still in the 30s (just above freezing), a winter storm is coming and, you could feel the cold front moving in. You can see this little adult male downy woodpecker ‘s feathers were being blown open by the strong winds today. He must have been so cold! It seems that usually birds’ feathers enclose their bodies – whether they’re puffed up or flat, so I was surprised to see the wind blow back this one’s feathers like this. A few other little birds stopped only long enough to pick up a peanut or seed, then quickly flew off – probably back to the protection of their nests.

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