
By Chook

Curses of the Lycian Way/Saved by the Kebab Van

'Stand there and I'll take your photo,' I said to J who was perched on some rocks looking down over the sea.
'Ok, but then you have to come around here and take another one of me.'
'Sure. What's round there?'
'Part of a ruin. It's a bath. What a fantastic spot for it. I'm going to lie in it and pretend to read the paper. Get a photo of that.'

So I walked round the corner and he clambered into position in the bath. After posing for a few pictures, he said, 'you know, I don't think baths have a foot rest. I think this might be a pillow. I think I'm actually in a coffin!'

Yes, he'd climbed into a tomb. And yes, we took mummy shots after that. We?re probably now cursed.

We walked 28.1km today from Patara to Kalkan, expecting to only walk 14. The first 6 was our fault (took a wrong turn to get to the start and were very slow to realize our mistake), the rest- bloody Lycian Way guidebook; pretty inaccurate!

The walk was amazingly picturesque. Loved it until we got to the point where we had to do a steep descent down a cliff next to the sea over razor sharp limestone rocks, at which point my fear of heights kicked in- I may have told J to f*** off at one stage. Terrible, I know. We had quite a giggle about it later.

Still, we got through that in daylight and then began the slow process of rounding the headland as the sunset and our water supply ran out. Used our headlamps for the last climb, finally hitting the road where we quickly found some water at an old clapped out van that is turned into a kebab store by the side of the road. Saved by the kebab van.

I'm now absolutely stuffed and am going to very much enjoy some sleep!

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