Borough Of Worthing Boundary Stone
My car had it's MOT today and had been at the Worthing garage where I bought it last year since Monday evening. So on my birthday I had to rush down after work and pick it up and settle the bill which wasn't too bad! Thank heavens for Courtesy Cars!
Having made plenty of visits to Worthing in the past and to date, I thought this boundary marker would make a good picture. This obelisk is made of grey granite and is dated 1929. The Borough Coat Of Arms are at the top. As far as I am aware, this is the only one like this and it stands on the side of the A24 as you enter Findon Valley. There is a house right next to it, and a public footpath on the other that goes up to the Iron Age Hillfort of Cissbury Ring. Boundary stones can be very illusive and as a member of the Milestone Society who record and research them with milestones and waymarkers, it's always good to see one. Size is everything, as usually they are small and hidden in long grass!
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