A Boring Job?
Heavy plant crossing....this sign used to cause great amusement when I was young. Which plant was it? Why was it crossing?
This isn't a great photo, it's not even a good one but I've seen this man most days. He is 'working' on the loop line. I use the term loosely as all he seems to do is twiddle about on his phone whilst he waits to open the gate to allow the trucks through every now and again.
I met Carole at 9am and we went for a long walk, then I walked home for my swimming stuff and went back to meet Carole and we went for a swim. There was a woman in the pool who has just learnt to swim...apparently she learnt to swim on the internet!! She watched You tube tutorials and followed their instructions, she isn't quite there but she is obviously determined. I wonder if there is a book...Swimming for Dummies?
Hmmmm....I wonder which plant is the heaviest :))
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