


7am and I wake up with a start. What's that scratching noise? Coquine is nowhere to be seen in the bedroom and I'm fearing the worst i.e. that she's got stuck somewhere and is desperately trying to get out.

I fall out of bed, run downstairs and see her wandering about in the hall and into the living room (with the ubiquitous sock in her mouth that she likes to carry around when she sees you in the morning or when you come back from the shops). She's not stuck at all.

So, hold on, where's the scratching sound coming from then? There it goes again...it's outside the front door!

My first thought is that it's a stray hunting dog trying to get in to Coquine. This is a great sign, it means she's well in heat. I can get dad's dog, Leo, round today to do the business hopefully! I open the kitchen window to try and scare the dog off and it's not one of the hunting mutts at all, it's LEO! He'd only bloody escaped from dad's house, run across the bridge to the other side of the village, and woken me up scratching at the front door! Haha! After weeks of us wondering whether anything was ever going to happen, I then spent the rest of the day hearing/seeing them at it!

I called dad as soon as I let Leo into the house. He was so glad to hear the wee blighter was OK. I was happy to hear dad was OK too - I thought they'd been out for a walk and was worried something had happened to dad and that's why Leo was round at mine on his own. Turns out dad had let him up the back of the house for a pee, he'd escaped out the gate and run over to mine....imagine him getting the scent from that far away!

Dad called over a wee while later and picked the two dogs up to take them out for a walk. I drove into Nyons to pick Steph up. Arrived a bit too early, so went for a coffee in the Palmiers - the sun was out and it was actually quite warm!

Steph came for lunch at mine. We had a great catch-up. So lovely to see her.

Picked the dogs up from dad's this afternoon and took them for a walk to go and get some petits bois. As soon as we got home, I was subjected to a doggy porno show for the rest of the afternoon. Let's hope it's worked. We'll find out soon enough, but it was pretty grim being in their company. They'd no shame at all! haha. Eventually Coquine got a bit tired of the attention and curled up in her chair and fell asleep :)

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