Out For Coffee

I set to with the chainsaw this morning to cut up two huge slices of off what must have been a very large tree (moving them to my house had to make use of a trolley).
I thought they were beech (hard to tell as they had been outside for quite some time and were quite black) - it turns out they are elm ..... which would account for the fact they were not rotting and were hard to cut even with the chainsaw).

I won't be able to get as big a platter as this one out of the elm - but whatever I can make will be deeper.

After lunch SWMBO and I went round for a cuppa at friends (via the weird shaped tree) to get our anniversary card and discuss whether I should do a wedding shoot (for his daughter).

7 hours later and we have just got in.
Very hospitable they were and surprising how you can drum up a meal for 4 at the drop of a hat with very few ingredients.

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