
I have spent a lot of the day in the garage trying to do some woodturning.
However, I have been assaulted by bits of wood as they explode during turning, I have had all sorts of bits fall down the back of the lathe, I have got grazes all over my head from scraping it on the brickwork trying to retrieve said bits, I have had the chuck fall apart and play silly beggars when trying to put it back together, I have had designs fail miserably and generally not had a great success.

But I didn't lose my temper (most unusual) and did end up with a couple of bits that did as they were meant to.

The same can't be said of the pictures of them.

I think I will have to spend some time setting up a light tent tomorrow and do them properly.

But I have had a beer and a couple of quality chocolates so it hasn't been a completely wasted day.

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