
By Houseonahill6

On the first day of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas I thought I'd blip a tree.
We went the long way round to Inverness , through Killen. We like going that way for a change. We watched 100's of gulls flying overhead. Never seen so many , it must be bad at sea.
The mist was hanging on the top of the hills and the sun shone behind this tree making an interesting silhouette.

Had to go to the shops to get some things for Brownies. We did nt stay long in the first to shops as I could nt find what I wanted. Poundland came up trumps though with all the partyware sorted and food for the birds.

Went to Howdens garden Centre for a coffee but the queues were to long. Their Christmas displays were very impressive . We managed to get the 'Twig Tree' we wanted as the real one is staying outside this year, near the lounge window and I'm going to use natural things to decorate it with including treat for the birds.

Hope you all enjoyed the first day of advent, the countdown to the big day starts here :)

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