
By Dotty

Lovember: Chums

I'm very very lucky. I'm surrounded and supported and generally put up with by some very special people.

A wonderful day - a completely decadent day out. Tea and cake with Alison in my new favourite teashop on Frederick Street, followed by Rodin, Monet (a lovely dark seascape I hadn't seen before) and my favourite Gainsborough, The Honourable Mrs Graham, at the National Gallery before hopping off to the National Museum to check in with my Benin bronzes, Greek pots and the view of Edinburgh from the rooftop terrace. Then a walk up to the Mosque Kitchen for tea via Blackwells bookshop before heading off to a fabulous production of Euripides' Helen in George Street. My first Ancient Greek play: I was expecting it to be educational but not necessarily enjoyable. It was both - lucky me. AND I got to chat with Menelaus afterwards. Colin Firth is so off the list...

And an entertaining bus ride home.

I've really enjoyed this little project - a lovely reminder of why I started blipping the first time around.

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