From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

And the world keeps turning..........

Friday again. Back to Brum on Sunday. One more trip to Ayr this year and then it will be next year. After that, 2013 will be consigned to the dustbin with the leftover onions, potato peelings and pen tops. Don't worry, I have already sorted out a little pile of good things to hang on to. I know the year isn't over yet. I can't explain why to me, it feels like it is already over. Wishful thinking I guess.

It's been a good week, work wise. I've done bits of everything and accomplished everything I set out to do and more. Sometimes, it's all you can do; just get on with it.

Last night was the first time this week that I could hear the sea when I was lying in the dark waiting for the alarm to go off. Yes, it's been cold but crisp and still all week. I've loved it. The wind was howling round the house by the time I came upstairs this morning. The branches were dancing and swaying outside the window, the beams from the streetlights being constantly broken by the flailing arms of the trees in front of them. I like starting the day with only the luminous glow from my laptop showing while I glance over the top of my screen into the slowly disappearing darkness, the inky fingers of the night gradually losing their grasp and slipping from view; daylight reigning again.

The work day ended and was especially busy as intended. By the time I logged off, it was raining and squally outside. I borrowed mom's coat with the big hood and hurried down towards the seafront for a desperate picture at 5:30. There weren't even any dog walkers out. There were only a few mad runners and me who really struggled holding my camera steady enough in that stiff breeze long enough to get a picture which wasn't too blurred! There was no point facing out to sea as it was too dark and I struggled breathing in that direction so here we are.

Track? My favourite version of a song originally written for the Everly Brothers in 1960 I think - Love Hurts

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