My Little Snowflake

Miss E's turn today. It was the Year 1 and 2 Christmas production.
Unlike all the rubbish, blurry green-tinged photos I took!
All the children were so brilliant - they do so well learning so many songs and actions.
Miss E had to contend with several wardrobe malfunctions. I'd put too many snowflakes on her top and when she bent over they all got caught up in each other and bits fell off. She looked at me and looked a bit worried. Lots of thumbs ups and mouthing "it doesn't matter" and she forgot about it!
More problematic was her hair. I like it down and thought that would look nice and snowflakey!
When she bent down to get her maracas her hair got all tangled up in the snowflake boppers she had on her head and she spent ages trying to disentangle herself! Oops!
Lessons learnt for next year!
She was a joy to watch - singing and dancing with such enthusiasm, always anticipating the next song and action and leaping into it with such gusto.
I was a very proud Mummy!
And look how much she's changed since her first school play a couple of years ago!

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