
By stujphoto

Swimming in Liquid Gold

I was really pushing my luck tpnight leaving my blip so late as the sun was setting when I left the house. by the time I had reached Seafield Pond the reflections of the sunset in the pool were literally a pinky gold colour. I was shooting with a long lens at 800 ISO, one stop underexposed in order counteract the needs of the long lens.

Initially I was shooting a single coot but then I thought that if I went round the far side of the pond I might be able to catch the swans in the sunset reflections. When I reached I found they were feeding avidly at this time of day and had their necks submerged for a lot of the time so I had to wait patiently until they both deigned to raise their heads at the same time. Similarly the coots were ducking and diving but I did not realise this until Iooked at my images on the computer and had to select ones were they could also be distinguished clearly.

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