
By middaypyjamas


These perhaps not so welcoming doors belong to a church on Syndey Road I've blipped before (and can be seen here).

It was a funny day today due to Holly leaving for the Galapagos Islands tomorrow. It was a mix of normality overlaid with a weird sense of foreboding. I say foreboding mostly because we were both so aware that tomorrow's the big day, not because it's a negative thing, obviously it's pretty amazing! Either way she is all packed (a few times) and well and truly ready to go. I am jealous. Somewhat because she gets to visit the amazing Galapagos Islands but also because she gets to go tomorrow! I'm done with waiting! This holiday has been in the works for about 18 months in total and it's all been leading to this day...or for me a week from now. Okay, winge over.

Willy and Caitie came round tonight to have dinner and of course drop Willy off who willy be joining Holly in the Galapagos. Once they walked through the door it instantly started to feel very real. Their flight's at 6:45am tomorrow, so best wishes everyone.


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