Vote Jam

I went into the Smithy Gallery in Blanefield today to see an exhibition of work by a top trio of Scottish artists in the shape of Alasdair Gray, Joyce Gunn Cairns and Steven Camley.

This is an iPhone pic of one of Steven's cartoons which he creates every Monday to Friday for The Herald newspaper.

Very topical, given yesterday's publication of Scotland's Future, the Scottish Government's long-awaited White Paper on Independence.

Topical is the name of his game, mind you...

The watercolours he creates five days a week are exquisite. He has such a light touch. A top Christmas present for the cynic in your life, I'd say.

The exhibition also offers the chance to get up close to Joyce and Alasdair's work. Very different styles but with an intensity which is unmistakable.

I'm a bit if an Alasdair Gray groupie, having done my dissertation on Lanark at Aberdeen Uni many moons ago. What a book! Even then I was drawn to the combination of words and pictures.

More about the exhibition HERE

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