
By JanPatienceArt

George Wyllie's Five-side Team (Again)

I went back to the McLellan Galleries on Glasgow's Sauchiehall Street again today for another look at the Royal Glasgow Institute's annual exhibition, which has returned 'home' after a decade in the 'wilderness'.

Ok, not exactly the wilderness - the Mitchell Library.

I Blipped George Wyllie's Five-A-Side team last week but, whatever way you look at it, it changes. And it makes me smile.

It's like the team is running on the spot. At the same time, they're like a bunch of headless chickens - eyeing up the artwork.

Off to watch the coverage of the Scottish Government's White Paper publication... What would George have made of it all, one wonders?

Here at @ForTheBurds hq, we had STV on today asking about filming at the big question marks down at the old timber ponds between Langbank and Port Glasgow.

BIG ?s have to be asked in the next 10 months here in Scotland.

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