A much more successful day. Funny how some days are like that - where everything you touch just works, and other days it just doesn't. Lots of stuff achieved today: VAT stuff, radiator working in CarbBoy's room, fixed paraffin heater, cancelled freezer order (though the woman was so nice and helpful that I almost rescinded my hatred of her company and re-ordered...) and even squeezed in time for a bracing, but very relaxing, lunchtime walk with CarbBoy (including taking this snap) and a bit of time sorting out his room.
And watching the last episode (until Christmas) of Downton was a little bit of luxury at the end of the day. Though it meant a late bedtime for the kids. In fact, so late that CarbBoy fell asleep on me. Proving to me that I am at the very limit of being able to carry him to bed.
And our neighbour had a baby girl last night, called Anna. If she's as fabulous as the main Anna in my life then her parents are very lucky! So smiles all round here and a brief frenzy of card-making and present wrapping.
Edit: but I was clearly tempting fate yesterday - we had a handful of short power cuts today...
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