
By BethAndCo

Eva's first toothbrush(es) xxxxx

I could not believe my eyes when I awoke to Eva's cries this morning and looked at the time... 06.25.... That is the longest she has slept through in 1 go since she was about 6 months old, from 8.30 the night before. 10 hours in 1 go, wow! I did her nappy, gave her a teething powder and some milk, as I usually would, and she went back to sleep! I couldn't believe it. I woke at 8.30 to call the doctors and she was still asleep. I went for my shower, and she was just stirring as I was doing my makeup at about 9.15. Funny how she'll go from one night waking loads, to most nights waking once, maybe twice, to sleeping through no problems.

Regarding the doctors, I rang at 8.30 for an appointment (you have to ring at 8.30 to get a morning appointment that day or at 3pm to get an afternoon one that day) I couldn't get through til 8.40, only to be told they'd all gone and that people had been queuing at the desk aswell as on the phone. Unbelievable. Anyway, the lovely lady on reception asked me if it was an emergency, I told her I thought I'd got mastitis and had been really ill over the weekend, and she said to come as an emergency at the end of surgery at 11.15.

We said goodbye to Grandad Nash who was going off to his doctors for a blood test, and off we went too.

We had to wait 45 minutes for me to be seen. Lucky I'd got some of Eva's toys in my bag including the plastic yellow slinky little Noah and Leah had given Eva and her Under The Sea book. She was kept well amused, especially when I hooked the slinky into the handle of her car seat so it dangled down, she loved it, grabbing it and seeing it spring back up. It was confirmed that yes, I do have mastitis. The doctor examined me behind the curtain though, and Eva got very very upset when she couldn't see where Mommy was. I was trying everything then as the doctor was trying to talk to me, but Eva was inconsolable by that point. I was prescribed penicillin anyway, and have to take 1 four times a day on an empty stomach. It's midnight as I type this and I feel better already after taking only 3 tablets today.

On top of Eva's mammoth sleep last night, she then went on to have over 2 and a half hours this afternoon. Grandad Hopkins came round and she was still asleep as he arrived at 3.15! She did wake up soon after though just as I was about to go and wake her up.

She had a good play and roll around while my dad was here, then it was time for me to start tea.

We'd bought Eva 2 toothbrushes at shopping yesterday, one for her to hold and one for us to brush her teeth with. So after her bath tonight, and she was all dried and in her babygrow, I went to brush her teeth for the first time while Mike took photos (up til now we've been using a baby flannel with baby toothpaste and rubbing her teeth). She did really well bless her. That's it now, I want her to start as she means to go on and make it a habit, so hopefully it's not a mission to get her to brush her teeth as she gets older.

She was a little unsettled going to bed tonight, but to be fair, she rolled so that her legs were hanging out between the rails of her cot at one point. If that hadn't have happened she would have gone straight off as she was shattered. When I first put her into bed it was like a relief to her to be in bed. She has woke up since at 11.20pm but she's back asleep now for the moment xxxxx

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