Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A few things on my desk.

It is a sunny, cold, Wintry morning here in Rishton.
The down to Earth everyday routine of housework, getting fresh air and exercise, feeding the cats, loving the cats and all the wonderful small tasks, make sense.
I still grieve for the loss of lives in parts of the world that are not as they could have been if wars had not taken place and the extreme Elements had not changed the places now very dependent on all of us to provide clean drinkable water, food and shelter on a scale that is as yet uncertain.
I think prayer and forgiveness can reach Heaven.
Individual repentance can clear the way for the Holy Spirit to move and act through any one.
We are at the mercy of the Divine Power, prayer and how much good we can do individually, collaboratively or with robots!
The use of humans in places where speed is needed, robotic support seems sensible.
Praying especially for a wise decision over the future Anglo Scottish settlement and relationship, praying for continual wise and good guidance in every possible way.
Would love to be worthy of miraculous healings like Jesus and other apostles did but no way able to do that.
So people can live well and if we could perform loaves and fishes type miracles, no one would go hungry! There is a Spiriual Law of Manifestation.
Not looking for celebrity, just glory and honour for Creator.
Take care all and enjoy a good blipday.

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