It's a Journey....

By LeeAnn

Purple Memories

Trying to think of something Purple, I kept coming back to Purple and Gold, the colors of my high school. This is what I found in some old boxes in the basement.
I graduated from Waconia High School. I wore the "W"as a cheerleader for football and wrestling. The banner I am sure hung on my bedroom wall.
Waaaaay back in 1975 Waconia's mascot was the Chief. Since then all Minnesota high schools with an American Indian-related mascot were required to change their name. Waconia is now the Wildcats. While I understand why this was done, I was very sad when the Chiefs were no more.
I also had to chuckle at the pin that says "Whomp 'Em In The Head". (with your tomahawk?!) That probably wouldn't be allowed these days, either. Especially with all the concern with concussion injuries.
This has been a fun walk down memory lane. Purple Power!

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