
By KatPrice


Carrots, to make carrot cakes! Really liked the vibrant colour here and the reflection in the grater - domestic bliss at its finest.

Rented a Speedlite from PhotoSoc but couldn't get it to work so ended up taking more baking photos, as usual. The cakes themselves didn't stick around long enough for me to photograph them! Must be a good thing. Will just have to make more. I think people are really starting to appreciate that I'm very much a procrasti-baker, I really should have been doing my essay but I had a whole bag of carrots that were starting to worry me, and there's no better way to get rid of carrots than carrot cake. It's only going to get worse once essays really get going and exams come round.

Things are pretty boring right now, just got essays to be getting on with and MA applications to finish. Got some bananas that are going over right now though, I'm thinking banana cupcakes with chocolate frosting perhaps...

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