
By AlrightFlower

Day or night?

Hmm, a New York skyline by day from the Empire State Building or by night from the Rockefeller Center? I always was a sucker for a bit of sparkle...

Winter has truly set in here today - mid-morning mercury was at 24 degrees, which I'm reliably informed is well below zero - brrr!

I started off my day at the Empire State Building, since I ran out of time yesterday. The views are pretty damn spectacular, but by god it was a bit breezy up there!

I moved on up 5th Av back to Bryant Park - turns out I missed half the market yesterday (it was hidden by the ice skating pavilion) so I spent a while mooching before sitting down in the sunshine (and out of the biting wind) with some pao de queijo (kind of little dumplings but less doughy with fab flavours) and a hot chocolate. I mean real melted chocolate, not powder and hot water - well, I needed something to warm my insides and it was utterly delicious!

Made my way then a couple of blocks east to Grand Central Terminal. Everything is sheathed in creamy marble, and the architecture on the main concourse is just stunning. There was a Christmas market in Vanderbilt Hall, so I had a tootle round - all very expensive designer whatnots, so I had a sit down to read with a very talented man playing classical guitar to soothe my weary mind. Unfortunately, fatigue grabbed me before I could fully appreciate all of the splendour, so I got the subway back to my hotel for a nap (and that's when you realise that yes, I am 40 tomorrow!).

Tempting though it was to stay in bed - warm and cosy - I hauled myself up again and braved the even colder evening to come up to the Rockefeller Center - The Top of the Rock. Though, technically, said Top is actually closed this evening due to high winds. I had to content myself to 68 stories above ground. What a result though eh??

I'm having a quick bite to eat in the Rock Center Cafe - 50 bucks for 5 ravioli parcels and a small glass of Merlot! - before wending my weary way back to the hotel.

Can't believe the trip I've been looking forward to for so long is almost at an end, but there's still 2/3 of a day to fill before heading back to JFK :-)


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