All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

New Hats

Ethan and Eden were up at 6.20am today - I did hear Ethan telling Eden off when she kept chatting though "no Eden go back to sleep" but to no avail. Within 10 mins or so they were doing their usual of playing / falling out every few mins, so I just got up with them!

They both insisted on putting their new hats on with their PJs and kept them on once dressed. It was only when I took Eden's off when I got her to gymnastics that I realised I'd forgotten to brush her hair - talk about a bedhead look. Oops!

Hubbie made a cake with them when we got back, which they both enjoyed helping with. It think they both enjoyed scraping the cake mixture from the bowl and eating it even more though!

I did my usual of popping down to Sainsbury's "just for some cat food" and came back having spent £70! Not quite sure how I managed that, when I ended up getting a hoodie for free! I'd put a new hoodie for Ethan in the trolley, but when the checkout girl tried to scan it, the barcode wouldn't work. Didn't help when she typed it in manually so a colleague took it away to try to get the right code for it. He came back saying they couldn't find it so were just going to give it to me for free as it was the only one they had left in store anyway! Result!

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