
4years 32days

Nursery sent home a little project a week or two ago. They wanted the children to cover a shoe box with photos of themselves with people they love, things they like doing, things that mean something l to them and decorate them. The boxes themselves are to encourage the children to talk about their emotions, things that are special to them etc in front of their friends. More than that, they're supposed to be something they use to bring anything they want to show to their friends. So when they bring their chatterboxes in, they take turns to show the contents and talk about whats in it that day. I think its a really wonderful idea. We have had a lot of fun choosing the images for it, and making the box itself this morning.

She clutched it proudly on the bike, filled with her camera, monkey and her bag of gum nuts from australia. She was a bit later than normal arriving, so Lesley had arrived when she got there. Katie was pleased to go straight to her and was sitting down to show her the box as I left. When I picked her up, she was doing a picture. Steven said that she had spent the whole day playing with Ella in the home corner. They'd claimed a box. They drew on it, they played in it, they played on it, they played with it. Oh to be 4.

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