Ha ha ha ha ha

Another patch tick today, and one I wasn't expecting. I went to have another look to see if the fieldfare, redwings and bramblings were still around, and just got the briefest sightings of the first two. I met a local reptile and amphibian enthusiast, complete with his new camera, who was also looking for photo-opportunities. We chatted for a while and he gave me a few tips on where to see some good birds locally, and amongst other things said there were green woodpeckers around. I'd never seen them in the area, but as I wandered further down, I thought I saw one fly past. The power of suggestion, I thought. But then I heard an unmistakeable yaffling, and shortly after, I saw it fly up and perch obligingly in the top of a nearby tree.
A good bird day all round, as I also got a first sighting of a coal tit in our new garden. I knew they would turn up eventually!

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