mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis


I like this time of year. I get to see the sunrise without having to get up at silly o'clock!
While I was out taking photo's, a 3G signal popped up so I did all my Instagram pics that had failed yesterday and sent a few to twitter and my hands got frozen! On the way back to the house I saw Tia sniffing something on the ground which turned out to be a rabbit. She left it alone so I prodded it with my Wellie and it moved it's head. I ran back to the house to get my gardening gloves and lifted it up to put it in the field next door. (I didn't want the dogs eating it.) It had died in those few minutes, the poor thing. It's eyes were clear so I doubt it was Mixamatosis but it hadn't been chewed at all so old age? I'm so glad Tia didn't bother it - my old Springerdor would have eaten it straight off!

Anyway, after that sad start to the day, I went with daughter, fiancé, and grandson to MK to meet the other Grandma for lunch. May have to skip tea because I had a mince pie in Costa too...

Off to Sheffield tomorrow to see Jools Holland and meet with friends and brother-in-law and wife. Party time! :-)

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