
By carliewired

How My Day Was Spent...

From the dazzling
sunrise to the afternoon
ped, I was busy!


We were up before the sun this morning. (It was a great sunrise!) We had a date to meet the pest control company at our friend's house. Today is the day for termite elimination!!! The truck arrived and we left the nice young man rolling out the tubing that would be installed under the house. He didn't need our help!

We were off to Lowe's to buy a timer for our fence lights. Then to an outdoor flea market to cruise. It was a perfect day to be 'under canvas' as the temperatures have cooled to the mid 70s this week. We found some wheel covers for the travel trailer. (Now the trailer tires won't get sunburned.) I found some bits for a friend's birthday parcel. We bought a whirlygig for the yard. It will be about 18 feet in the air when installed and it will twirl amazingly. (watch for it in a future blip) I also found an old desk and chair which I will collect tomorrow morning. (also will be featured in a future blip)

When my feet finally gave out, we returned home for a quick lunch. I had an appointment for a pedicure and haircut for the afternoon. Thus ended my day!

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