Off Centre

By RachelCarter

#Lovember the 21st

Phew. Got it.
Washing out on the line.
It was always on my list of faves and I was beginning to think it wouldn't happen.

Tess: "You've taken a photo of my pants!! Why have you taken a photo of my pants?!?! Mum-mee-uh-yah!!"

Sorry to mention the C word, but I did a bit of online Christmas shopping today. I'm actually making a lot of presents this year and trying to spend less, but this means a) I have to get on with it and b) I have to buy stuff in order to make stuff.

Felt really crappy today- puffy eyes and an invisible elephant sitting on my head - but let's not dwell on that.
Washing. On the line. Lots of it. All smelling fresh. Yay.

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