The story so far...


Heaven and hell

Cam was a fricking nightmare today. We went to the woodlands group which was crazy busy where cam spent the entire time rolling round on the floor, screaming his head off. Mummy was stressed beyond belief so we left early so cam could go to bed and mummy could have a little cry.
His behaviour continued to spiral and was intent on causing as much distraction as possible. At one point he tried to break the glass on the display cabinet door with a piece of brio track. When mummy took the track of him and put it on the top shelf of the bookcase, cam got daddy's office chair, climbed on it and tried to get on the desk so he reach. A time out promptly followed!
Ollie on the other hand was an angel as usual and showed of how great he is a tummy time for a baby of 8 weeks old, even the doctor yesterday was impressed. His injections don't seem to have fazed him at all. He really is the easiest baby.
Bedtime was very welcomed today and a big glass of wine was required for mummy. I hope tomorrow is better as cam has a big treat in store!

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