The story so far...


Familiar friends

Day three of no dummy started with pistols at dawn as cam finally cottoned on to the fact that he is no longer being given the dummy. One very long temper tantrum later mummy had had enough so popped him in the car seat and headed over to cj's house. The change in scenery seemed to perk cam up and we headed over to a local town for a browse and lunch.
We headed back to cj's where max had brought his mummy round so we decided to take the boys out for a nice walk to enjoy the crisp autumn air. The mummies had a lovely chin wag and all the boys behaved beautifully.
By the time we got home darkness had come and so had a present for cam in the post. A beautiful rabbit hand puppet with 6 little bug finger puppet friends which cam likes to play with at his Tuesday afternoon playgroup. The evening was spent hugging the bunny and trying to eat the caterpillar puppet (a bush tucker trial effort to be proud of). The day ended with cam's first bath in the big bath with daddy in which he practiced swimming on his back, splashing and eating rubber ducks.
He was so exhausted by the end of the day that there was no trouble drifting of to the land of nod, even without a dummy. Round 1 to mummy!

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