Some wood - en balls.

Emergency Blip tonight. I had gone through the day thinking of some other great possibilities for a Blip and time got away from me and I missed the daylight so those things will have to wait until tomorrow.
For now I have a nice wooden dish, with some differently shaped wood balls. I set it out on the counter in the kitchen and took a picture. Quick and painless and perhaps even a little bit artsy.
I briefly thought of taking a picture of my dinner plate but thought it looked rather boring. Pasta with pesto sauce and sausage. It tasted very good even though it wasn't photo worthy.
It's amazing when faced with taking a last minute Blip the things you are willing to photograph.
It's gotten colder and the wind had really picked up today. My lawn service should have done the entire neighborhood's leaf clean-up yesterday because today the wind had brought a bunch of them back into my yard. I guess our little warm up of the past few days is over.

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