Lichfield Cathedral

A crazy hectic day today. I went up to Manchester to visit my mother's cousin and that, of course, involved the M6. Horrid traffic because of an accident so I came off at Stafford North and drove through Stone and Stoke-on-Trent. Suddenly we came upon cars with lots of snow on, and heading to rejoin the motorway at J16, you could see snow on the roofs and on the fields ! It had cleared by Cheshire.....

She's 93 next week and it was cheering to see her. A bit muddled, of course, but looking very bright and her skin was wonderful.

Back home for a very interesting talk on Lichfield Cathedral in the 15th Century (apparently it was a model of good organisation in those days) and then off to the gym. As I passed the Cathedral Close I noticed that the light was perfect - stunning low rays of the sun giving a gorgeous golden sheen. I pulled over to take advantage of it and spent some wonderful moments just enjoying the beauty.

Sorry I haven't really captured it - this is straight from the camera.

The light had gone by the time I'd worked out and gone into the outdoor pool. Warm and luscious and only me there. There's something magical about swimming in the dark (even if you can hear the A5)

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