Oh, Blue

Sparkie was minding her own business, eating her breakfast, when this little face appeared at the window, just near to her bowl.

Blue was the Christmas present (2011) of Caitlyn next door. He's much loved, but a bit of a terror. He needs that oversized bell to warn the birds (though he has brought a few presents and he did see off a baby blackbird)

He has been blipped several times before. There are territory wars between him and Cyd, even though my garden belongs to neither of them.

Blue has had an upset tummy and the vet put him on tablets, and he's now on a dry food diet. I suspect the sight of Sparkie's dinner was the reason for this pathetic gaze.

But cats who come so close to the window are always in serious danger of being blipped.

(I decided not to crop the photo - I have several versions and have tried it - because I thought the grey concrete made him look sadder and more desolate)

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