Life through the lens...

By ValC

Mr Blue Sky

What a glorious day!
Frosty, and cold, but beautiful sunshine.
The bird's water was frozen for the first time this winter, and the temp. when we got in the car was 2c.

Too nice to stay in this afternoon, so have been for a walk round the village, which is where I photographed this lovely yellow flowing Mahonia.

Walked to the farm to order our Christmas turkey, but Oh Dear! they haven't any!
Apparently they lost quite a lot of money on them last year, and so decided not to rear any more.
I've no idea where we are going to get one from now.
Probably from our other farm shop, but he will be buying them in from somewhere else, and I know they are going to be a lot more expensive! ( and probably won't taste as good)

Did buy a stem of their home grown sprouts. ( First this season) and some eggs, and more onions to pickle.

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