Merry Christmas

I was sitting in my Dad's living room. It was 7 p.m., and I hadn't taken a single picture during the day. I was getting to the point of being desperate enough to go home, and photograph the supper I made. Jambalaya (a rice dish)...jambalaya without the heavy spices. With carrots, green beans, celery, and least it would have been colorful.

As I was leaving his subdivision, I noticed the Christmas lights. NO...NO...SAY IT AIN'T SO!!

It's WAY too early...and if this isn't bad enough...we already have radio stations that are playing nothing except Christmas carols.

I drove home to pick up my camera, and my Daisy BB gun. After taking a few pictures, I started picking off the by one. Many lights...many BB's. How dare they forget about Thanksgiving. How dare they forget about the pilgrims and the Indians. How dare they forget about the 4 f's of the November holiday ( faith, family, food, and football.)

The only shooting I did was with my camera. If you'll the of the candy canes is lying on its side. We had some wicked winds last night...gusting up to 60 m.p.h. According to our local power company...140,000 homes without power.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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