Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Early morning walk

With Carys away I persuaded Jim to sleep in her bed so he wasn't disturbed by my jumping in and out of bed to settle William or first thing in the morning when W comes wandering through for a 'nuggle. Unfortunately W had another poor nights sleep, after improving recently I thought we were going the right way, obviously not. Don't know what is wrong, maybe he is unsettled with Daddy not being right. Whatever it is both he and I are very, very tired.

So to combat the tiredness I thought we would go for a walk early doors. So well wrapped up we headed to Pirton and a 4mile walk, or so I thought. W complained of a sore heel almost immediately that we started walking, I took off wellies and two pairs of socks but could find nothing wrong. so I basically told him that we were walking regardless and off we went. Anyhow he complained and complained. I checked the foot again, nothing found and then he started limping. At this point we had gone not very far in a very long time, so I thought we would cut our losses and head back to the car.

Once in the car he asked to go to the soft play. Little monkey I thought, so much for a sore heel, but we went anyway. There was however, definitely something wrong with W's foot as he continued to walk in a funny manner and spent the vast majority of the time snuggling on my knee.

We headed home to find Daddy had just got up and was happy to sit with W and watch Toy Story. I went off to pick up Carys. She had had a great time but looked really tired. I had to pick up a parcel from town so (bearing in mind W was also really tired) I offered her a babycino, which she accepted. She went to sit down and I went to order. When I turned round to check on her she was sitting head down on the table, complete with bobble hat still on and eyes closed!

Once home Carys luxuriated in a bath all to herself, had tea in her pj's and was in bed and lights out by 6pm. Unfortunately she was still awake at 7.30pm, how I don't know, but I am expecting some aftermath tomorrow.

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