
My Christmas cacti have seen fit to join in with the overly early festive celebrations by blooming seven weeks ahead of schedule.

I must say, premature or not, it's a relief to see a bit of life emanating from their spot on the kitchen window sill. For most of the year they present a rather boring set of uninspiring and lethargic leaves before deciding at the end of October that they had better perform a miracle and find a few buds and flowers in order to assure my continuing their survival.

They should consider themselves honoured to be represented in a blip, so beautiful and worthy of imaging are the trees outside at the moment.
In particular the cherry trees lining the paths in the Meadows which always put on a flamboyant display of pink blossom in May, have been sporting such unusually bright autumn coloured leaves that it is hard not to keep blipping them instead.

The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the breeze is gentle and I'm on my way this afternoon for some crac with my friend o.m.ts a short bike ride away on the other side of the colourful Meadows. What's not to like about today, even if it is a Monday?

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