Merrick...2 Days in a Row

Have you ever seen the video of the father who took a picture of his son every day for the first 18 years of his life? After taking all the pictures...the dad then took the 6,570 shots, and made them into a 6-7 minute video. Amazing to watch the age progression.

I'm thinking about doing the same thing with Merrick...starting right now. While the other dad only took the same head shot every day...this grandpa will be taking action shots. Yesterday...leaf the building of blocks.

I think we made some great inroads this weekend. Up until now, we couldn't put together 10 pieces without Merrick wanting to knock it down. But, both yesterday and today...we used every single piece we had...and then we toppled it over. That's some definite progress.

Who knows...maybe he does have a future in Florida...helping grandpa build sand castles.

P.S. Who is it that keeps giving the boy the red pop? I wonder.

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