
By Charlie17

You Are Feeling Sleepy!!!

Dylan: I believe it's going to get much colder next week so when are we going into hibernation Bandit?
Bandit: Rabbits don't hibernate Dylan!
Dylan: We don't? I seem to remember having a long sleep last year.
Bandit: That was when you had your operation Dylan.
Dylan: You said you wouldn't mention that again. And anyway, if I hadn't had the op, you wouldn't have had a minutes peace!! So, why don't we hibernate? Hedgehogs do?
Bandit: We don't have prickles Dylan.
Dylan: Frogs hibernate.
Bandit: We can't swim underwater Dylan.
Dylan: Bats hibernate.
Bandit: We can't fly Dylan.
Dylan: So does that mean I have to stay awake through all the dark, cold, wet, frosty winter?
Bandit: Don't be silly Dylan! You can sleep at nights.
Dylan: I heard rabbits sleep about eight hours a day.
Bandit: And how much at night?

I saw David Bowie about the time of Ziggy Stardust. A great memory.
This track should liven up your Saturday.
Have a fun weekend.

Sent from my iPad

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