Bake Off

So busy, running around all morning but the kids I work with did me proud today for our Children In Need Bake Off. Our unit scooped the prize for best design (How Our Garden Grows) showing some amazing teamwork in their cake decorating and one of my kids also won best tasting bake for his Rastafarian Banana Loaf (ASDAN).
Best overall Bake went to the life/work skills group for their Autumn Parcels, homemade pastry filled with pheasant, venison and black pudding. They deserved it- they helped pluck, skin and bone out the pheasants! And the S4 Pi Pie deserves a mention!
I won best staff entry for my macaron circle, got a beautiful hand made wooden star medal, after all my carry on I think I was the only staff entry though.
Our Circle this morning was " What does a child need to have a good life?" We had great participation and some really thoughtful answers so I wrote this in the middle of my macarons.
Rock and Roll Bingo tonight, a school fundraiser. Competed by Luke it was a chance for us all to eat rubbish and singalong/ shout at each other to be heard!

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