The three of us

Today's the day ........................... to think about sorting

In our spare room, there's an enormous pile of photographs.

Individual photographs, ones in albums, slides in boxes - black and white and coloured - ancient, relatively modern - most recognisable family shots, but others with complete strangers. I've taken on the job of making a bit of sense out of them - and getting them in a form so that they can be shared around. So that's going to keep me quiet for a bit!

Today I was just thinking about how I would do it. I came upon this one of my brother Ron, sister Marj and me - the same three that were in this one that I blipped a while back - except we've moved on about ten years.

The funny thing was that when I was taking a picture of the picture to blip, there was a frame round the faces of my sister and I. The sort that shows that the camera had recognised that they were faces. But no matter what I did, there was never a frame round my brother's.

Sorry Ron - must be those ears or something .................?!

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