Strange Boat
We're sailing on a strange boat
Heading for a strange shore
We're sailing on a strange boat
Heading for a strange shore
Carrying the strangest cargo
That was ever hauled aboard
Well, I've been good. I didn't hide my dentist appointment slip under the carpet, as has been known, but dutifully went into Bantry, climbed the stairs, presented myself like a sacrifical lamb, noted the woodworm in the pannelling in the waiting room, met another friend I hadn't seen for ages who was feeling the same as me, and went in to meet Aileen the dentist. She was about 20, slender and pretty with a fairy's touch. Well, it's not as bad as I feared - things do need doing but nothing major and I have to return in a fortnight for a couple of fillings and a visit to the hygienist for a clean - that's the bit I'm really terrified about for she is meant too be a brute!
I rewarded myself with a visit to a holy well on the way back, as you do. Horses had been in the field so I was able to get a clear view of it. It's a fine 3 tiered thing, adorned with plastic roses and a good view out to sea. It's built very close to a promontary fort with some amazing cliff views (second blip choice). Coming home on the south side though the light broke through the clouds and illuminated this little fishing boat. What a tough and lonely job. It looks so tiny out there in the expanse of water. There were two of them at work and the day was so still I could hear their voices way out to sea.
Off to see Gravity tonight - Ellisrogerhas assured me it's not sick inducing so I'll risk it - not 3D though! I'll report back.
Strange Boat
dedicated to Shaamie who is a big fan.
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