More smiles :)

Minnie was given the all clear this morning at her hospital appointment for a hip scan. She slept through the whole thing completely unaware of the lady putting the gel and the ultra sound machine on each hips.

We were in and out in less than 15 minutes.

I then popped to have coffee with a friend before heading home to do a spot of cleaning and tidying. MiL looked after Minnie whilst I headed for a leg wax and pedicure. MiL is very good at following the routine I have in place for Minnie so by the time I collected her she had fed her and Minnie was having tummy time when I picked up her - the songs Mary sings are as creative and tuneless as mine so Minnie is very much at home!

By the time Simon came home at 6pm I realised I had only eaten 2 apples all day - I just don't seem to find the time to eat. Given the choice between grabbing a sandwich or putting out the washing, I choose the latter! This was soon rectified by a delicious dinner of tagliatelle which I added to a sauce of cream and stilton with mushrooms, peppers and asparagus - yummy.

Feet up with a glass of wine now watching Masterchef

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