In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Shake a tail feather

Never mind a tail feather. I am having difficulty shaking this cough.
Didn't sleep too well, but when I did I was shaken out of my sleep by alarm going off again at 0830. This time it was for my taxi's bi- annual inspection, or it's Hack, as it is more colloquially called.
On arrival I was told that all the tests had been cancelled for two days due to all the testers being up at the meter change.
But I was assured that they had called and left a message.
I think they need a good shake as there was only one of them up there and nobody called and therefore no message was left.
So today I'm shaken but not stirred.

This is the old Richards textile factory which forms most of the block comprising Ann St, Maberly St and Hutcheon St.

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