In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Puppy love

Such a busy day, up at 0830, yes that early, had to travel all the way to the south side of Aberdeen to get my taxi meter altered to the new raised fare structure. I have no idea what it is, as the council have not handed out any fare cards. The things that we are legally supposed to have on display in our taxis.
On the way back home I nipped into Hobbycraft to get a couple of knitting things for June. Whilst parking up I saw a new store had opened up in Union Square right next to Hobhycraft. It is called The free book store. And it is just that. Recycling, as it were, rescued books. Didn't have time to go in though, but I sure will in the future.
Back in Ellon, I picked up June and we event to Formartines for lunch, before heading up north to see Janine and the grand children. They are off school for a couple of days due to in-service days.
The puppies are getting bigger. Here you can see the one that they are keeping. They have called him Murphy. I realise that it isn't too clear a shot, but it was taken on my phone and, being a puppy, he doesn't stay still for long.
On the way back we stooped off at The Happy Plant and bought a couple of Xmas tea light holders.
Now settled down with a Fursty Ferret beer and watching an old box set of a vampire programme called Ultraviolet, which stars Stephen Moyer, who currently plays Bill Compton in the True Blood vampire series.
Type cast?

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