Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Office Lunch

An ex-colleague is visiting from Canada, so a group of us (6) got together and went out for lunch. As all of us were South Asian - the venue changed to Indian and this is one of the meals that appeared on the table (NOT mine). I am told this is typical North Indian food. In my mind North Indian food is Mughlai cuisine - but that is something separate. I like Mughlai cuisine (ruined by my Dad's cooking).

So . . . I woke today and CD to go straight into the player had to be the one I got yesterday. I do love well crafted songs with catchy melodies and well thought out, intelligent lyrics and she has plenty of those, especially in the second verse! So, if I may indulge - I would like to quote the lyrics that first made me sit up and take notice of this amazing artist - all the way back in 2001...

People are getting fit for truth
Like they're buying a new tailored suit
Does it fit across the shoulder?
Will it fade when it gets older?
They throw ideas that aren't in style
In the Salvation Army pile
And search for something more
To meet our needs

from The Word, Sara Groves 1999

SG is so low-key she does not do music videos. There is a fan presentation posted on YouTube if you want to hear the tune.

For now, bed calls, so good night!

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