Bright Eyes

We seem to pack lots into our weekends despite saying, every weekend, that we will have a more relaxed weekend this week....maybe next week.............

Mum and Steve have come up from Cornwall - Mum has come up for Book Club which is tomorrow despite none of us having read the book! This month we are discussing The God Of Small Things. I never ever give up on books......I am half way through this one and I cant even use Minnie as an excuse, I have loathed this book. Not one of us has finished it, except the person who recommended it. I will see how much of the remaining 180 pages I can read in between reality TV tonight. Anyone who has read it please feel free to enter your comments so I can use them for the meeting tomorrow!

We popped out to the retail park for a few bits and pieces - including a reindeer for the snug.....a future Blip I am sure. I am loving all the Christmas decorations in the shops. We went to John Lewis where Simon bought another Sonos speaker, this time for Minnie's nursery and we also bought a Joseph Joseph set of chopping boards and knives as Simon had lots of gift vouchers. They were £45 but at the till they tried to charge £75 - but they honoured the ticket price and charged us the £45, result.

Home to meet Mum and then straight out. Simon and Mum have just bought a house as a renovation project so they went to see that and I went to see Frances - it was her husband whose funeral we went to on Thursday. She had knitted a cardigan for Minnie and showed me yet another blanket she is kindly crocheting for her too - she has already made Minnie 4 blankets and they are all in use as I just adore them.

We have just had dinner - Cornish Pasties that Mum bought up - and I am on my second glass of wine.

Hopefully a Bicester trip with Mum and MiL tomorrow :)

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