Successful Shopping

To be honest it is very rare I don't have a successful shopping trip :)

I took my mum, Simon's mum and one of my lovely friends to Bicester - it's become an annual C******** present shopping trip - MiL likes help to choose Simon's present I think he prefers my choices too :) We all came back with many treats - as my present buying is all done I had to buy myself treats......well gun to my head and all that jazz. I wanted a treat from Mulberry just so I could get a bag with bells on it.......(only Bicester shoppers will know the bells that come attached and jingle jangle and sound like Xmas) but I restrained myself. I did not strop as much as I wanted that the bag I wanted was sold out.

Home, boys walked and PJs are now on. I've got to pick up Si from the pub in an hour or so and the takeaway will be collected en route.......and THEN I will have a well deserved vino.

Heartfelt love and best wishes to fellow Blippers Sue & Roy. Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs to you both x x x x

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