Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

Righteous fires

No pretty flower, no gorgeous sunset, nothing cute ... hardly inspiring ... but here's a little something that will guarantee you a righteous fire this winter ...

Fire starters.

The instructions ...

1. Save all the lint from your dryer filter. Just peel it off and save it in a bag in your broom closet.

2. Save all your pressed paper egg cartons.

3. Save all your candle nubs. Save them in a pot you've bought from the charity shop. A pot you'll only ever melt wax in.

4. When you've got quite a bit of each, melt the candle nubs over low heat, stuff the egg cartons with dryer lint, give your stuffed egg cartons a good drizzle of wax, let them cool.

5. Tear your egg cartons apart cup by cup as required. Perch each cup on a bit of paper, under the kindling, which is under a log or two.

6. Light the edges of the paper.

7. Sit back.

These are just marvelous for campfires. Wet wood? Never mind. Wet wood is overwhelmed by these.

I also use them in my fire in my sitting room, despite the fact they'll line the chimney with wax. I just get the chimney sweep in twice each year. He's got violet eyes to die for.

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